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DataCenter Forum 2018, a technology marathon reserved for professionals

• Over 350 participants;
• 13 exhibitors among the big names of the data center industry;
• 14 workshops and debating sessions;
• Representatives of key organizations involved in regulating and certifying Data Centers.

This is a biref review of the second edition of the DataCenter Forum 2018, an event organized on May 10 by Tema Energy, together with its local and international partners.

“The success of the previous edition has confirmed that the local data center market needs an event such as the DataCenter Forum, which will help create and strengthen a community of specialists,” said Mihail Manole, CEO of Tema Energy.

The second edition of the DataCenter Forum did not focus only on debates and networking, but brought to the audience a lot of technology, both news and concrete solutions already validated by the market. Among the solutions that were presented could in the exhibition area was the Mobile Data Center designed and built especially for this event by Tema Energy specialists, a fully equipped and functional center where visitors were given the chance to test a Data Center Infrastructure Monitoring  platform, soon to be launched.

This year also, to fully cover the data centers topic, among the partners invited at DataCenter Forum were two worldwide recognised professional organizations, Uptime Institute and, for the first time in Romania BICSI. The representatives of the two organizations participated alongside Cristian Cucu, CIO of Government of Romania, and Mihai Manole, Tema Energy CEO, in an interactive debate at the beginning of the event, where the main trends in the field of data center industry were analyzed.

The shift from evolution to concrete answers and the problems faced by Data Centers and Data Rooms in Romania was made during the presentation sessions and at the exhibition stands by specialists of APC, Cummins, Fortinet, Hoppecke, Leoch, Nexans, Pyralis, Riello, Rittal, R&M, Uniline and Vertiv. The products presented at the DataCenter Forum 2018 covered an extended technology palette, which included standardized and prefabricated solutions for modular data centers and Micro-Data Centers, up to power-supply, power backup and fire-fighting systems.

In order to provide the audience with a full picture of the topic of data center standardization, it was approached not only from BICSI’s perspective, represented by Miodrag Kovanovic, but also from  the perspective of the major players in the market, such as Rittal or APC, who highlighted the practical advantages of complying with the regulations in force.

Another topic tackled both in the initial debate and in the session held by Scott Roots, who presented the results of the 8th edition of the Uptime Institute annual study, was the shortage of data center industry specialists. The phenomenon, which is beginning to affect the data centers in Romania, is fueled by the growth of the average age of the workforce, but also the rapid evolution of technologies and standards in this field, which requires the continuous development of new competencies.

A task that the organizers of the DataCenter Forum 2018 assume openly, as Mihai Manole explained: “For the second consecutive year, we brought to the audience not only new solutions and technologies, but also news in the field of regulation and certification of data centers . The responses we receive from specialists, operators, managers and developers of data centers and critical infrastructure show that the market needs such complete approaches and gives us hope that the DataCenter Forum is beginning to be a landmark for the local industry. ”

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